We began in 1998 with the discovery of a
compound of bonded natural components chosen for their high affinity with mucous membranes (nose, throat and lungs) and white
blood cells, B cells (the cells that produce Killer T cells that irradicate infection throughout the body). Comtrol
strengthens the cell membrane allowing the human body to defend itself from infection and increase intercellular communication
needed for the body to heal itself (the membranes help carry these signals). Substances contained in Comtrol will reach
the nucleus of the cell and activate the repair mechanism that scans for errors in DNA. This multifaceted mode of action
speeds recovery and minimizes symptoms much faster than current treatments. It has a pleasant taste and little unwanted side-effects
(slight increase in blood pressure if not used as directed, joint pain that can be avoided by taking gelatin or knox, potassium
depletion is avoided when supplemented with potassium vitamin or eating 1/2 or 1 whole banana daily). Symptoms dissipate
within 24 hours and sooner if caught before full blown infection occurs. Full blown symptoms will dissipate quickly if doses
are taken every 4 to 6 hours as directed.
Other leading antivirals damage the cells, leave pinholes
in the lining of the lungs, or cause tendon damage (Tamivir, Ribavirin and Cipro). Comtrol acts as a supplement to the
human cell to strengthen the backbone of the DNA. A symphony of naturally occuring substances in Comtrol
perform these activities leaving the patient relieved and strengthened in the face of influenza infection
or cold. The U.S. National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Disease made it possible to verify Comtrol
and Virex' activity against infection and prove its efficacy against H1N3 virus. Influenza A.